AOKP stopped support for ToroPlus (Sprint) devices since jb-mr1, but you can still flash the Maguro version on top of it. This will probably prevent the phone from functioning as a phone, but will allow you to use the phone as a wifi only device (or possibly pluck the radio roms individually out of the old rom... but I have not tested this method as I'm no longer a Sprint customer).
First get the Maguro versions of the ROM and GAPPS 4.4
Open the zip for the ROM and navigate to the folder: META-INF > com > google > android
Open the file updater-script and save it. Delete the file from the zip. We want to modify this file and remove this assert tag entirely:
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("") == "maguro" || abort("This package is for \"maguro\" devices; this is a \"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\"."););
Save the file and drag it back into the zip file in the same directory as before.
Flash maguro AOKP ROM and GAPPS like normal.
First get the Maguro versions of the ROM and GAPPS 4.4
Open the zip for the ROM and navigate to the folder: META-INF > com > google > android
Open the file updater-script and save it. Delete the file from the zip. We want to modify this file and remove this assert tag entirely:
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "maguro" || getprop("") == "maguro" || abort("This package is for \"maguro\" devices; this is a \"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\"."););
Save the file and drag it back into the zip file in the same directory as before.
Flash maguro AOKP ROM and GAPPS like normal.